I find that I only use technology for the purpose of things that normally I can do through normal interaction.
Here are some examples.
I write my paper's, do presentations, and other class homework through computer programs. I used to just write them out with paper or use colorful posters and glitter.
I used to just use a normal telephone to telephone conversation or talked in person. Now I have to result to text messaging, hearing about them through facebook or myspace or twitter, or a "scheduled cell phone conversation" based on how many minutes they have on their phone. I can only hope their plan has unlimmited minutes.
However now instead of a horse and carriage, I can fly on a plane or drive in a car to get to locations around the globe.
This is the Word.
Hmmm, so do you see technology more as a tool to help you do things easier than something that changes ways you do things - who and how you are?