Monday, February 28, 2011

Mars Vs. Venus Online

I think men and women don't act any different online. I think it has way more to do with personality of the person and how they were brought into technology that helps their online identity. Online identities are very selfish and people can find themselves expressing everything they feel nessesary and not realize they are exposing themeselves. Women tend to take very racey photos of themselves for the attention of men and men take racey photos of themselves for the attention of women. People who really like different hobbies will post things about those hobbies as well as be as open as they want about their private life. Its not as much gender as it is, how brave a person is to annouce public information about themselves online. Girls may be a little more into a romanticized version of online vs men who believe online is a way to "get to things" as a more practical application.

This is the Word.

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